Monday, October 20, 2008

Malaysian english writers

1. Discuss about Malaysian English writer.

There are plenty of Malaysian English writer out there. Some of them are K.S Maniam, Che Husna Azahari and many more. From what can i say about our Malaysian English writers is that they are not that bad and all of them can be compared standing the same stage as the Singaporean writers. Each one of them have their own credibility and quality as a writer. What make our writers can stands the same stage as the Singaporean writers is that their works or their writings itself. Most of our writers had received some awards in the international level for their impressive and wonderful works in writings. Our Malaysian writers also we can see that majority of them comes from a very good background of education and most of them got their qualification from the overseas universities. So, we can't say that our Malaysian English writers are lower standard compared to Singaporean writers. Now, we talk about their style of writings. Based on what i have read, our Malaysian writers are very concern and understand about their viewers or readers which is the Malaysian peoples, where they know how to write their story based on the standard or level for Malaysian people. Although they used the simple words and sentences in their writing, but they managed to composed or wrote a very wonderful and excellence story, which leads them to winning some awards in the international level. From what I can see ,our Malaysian English writers also like to wrote stories about the real life or situation that happened in our society, which is based on what happened among the Malaysian people itself. Maybe they want to exposed and share with the people out there more about our country Malaysia, maybe more on the aspects of its people, culture and so on. Overall, i think we should proud of our Malaysian English writers for what they have done towards on increased up our country name in the international level. We also should give them full supports and encourage them to keep up their good works and also their efforts on up hold our Malaysian writers to be well known throughout the world.

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